Eagle County has received approval from the state (CDPHE) to move to the next phase in the Transitional Trail Map – Blue Square – on Monday, May 25, 2020.
Public Health order information
Read the public health order
All community members are strongly encouraged to read the entire order. In summary, changes in the new order include, but are not limited to:
- Allows gatherings of up to 50 people. Six feet of distance will still be required between non-household members
- Allows dine-in service at restaurants and bars at a reduced capacity, with social distancing protocols in place.
- Allows short-term lodging to reopen at a reduced capacity.
- Allows outdoor recreation businesses, such as guided tours, and areas with high-touch equipment like playgrounds to open if social distancing and sanitation requirements are met
- Requires all visitors to be free of any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 for 10 days prior to arrival in Eagle County.
- Continues requirements for people who are sick and for people who have been exposed to someone who is sick.
- Continues requirement for all businesses to create and visibly post a Social Distancing Protocol, explaining how the business is achieving all social distancing, sanitizing and cleaning, and other requirements.
The Eagle County Board of Commissioners is continuing to urge residents and visitors to take a personal pledge to follow the “Five Commitments of Containment:
- I will maintain 6 feet of social distance
- I will wash my hands often
- I will cover my face in public
- I will stay home when I am sick
- I will get tested immediately if I have symptoms
Community members and visitors are reminded that personal responsibility also means people must make the best decisions for themselves. Officials caution that just because restrictions on certain businesses and activities have loosened, it does not mean those who are uncomfortable or are in high-risk categories for COVID-19 should participate.
Regular updates on the county’s response to COVID-19 are being shared at www.ECEmergency.org. The county’s forum for community discussions is at www.facebook.com/OneValleyVoice. Those with additional questions can email covidquestions@eaglecounty.us [EDIT: this email address will not be valid after April 1, 2021] or call (970) 328-9750.
Business Toolkit
Review the Business Toolkit
Eagle County is sharing an updated COVID-19 Business Toolkit to help local businesses navigate the transition from the Green Phase to the Blue Phase of the Transition Trail Map. The transition goes into effect with the updated Public Health Order intended to become effective May 25, pending state approval of the county’s variance request.
The toolkit was developed through a collaborative effort between the county, the Vail Valley Foundation, Vail Valley Partnership, and the Basalt Chamber of Commerce. It was designed to organize and consolidate guidance and resources available to businesses as they prepare for the next iteration of the public health order.
“The residents, businesses, organizations, and governments of Eagle County have done very well in this effort so far, and we have been leading the way in the State of Colorado” says a letter to the business community from the Board of County Commissioners included in the toolkit. “This is due to your hard work and diligence, and the next phases of our recovery are equally as reliant on individuals and businesses in Eagle County moving forward, in unison, through the next phases of the new Public Health Order.”
- State approval of Eagle County’s variance request
Status: Eagle County submitted our variance request to CDPHE on May 11th. We have not yet received approval from the State.
- Disease spread remaining at manageable levels
Status: Disease spread remains low and steady.
- Personal responsibility – Community compliance with commitments and social distancing protocols
Status: Collaboration from residents, local businesses, and response partners remains strong
Eagle County Business Communication Guide
Consistent communications during this time will help you maintain customer trust, restore employee morale and confidence for your customer. Consider all the different channels you use to communicate with your customers. Use these channels to communicate the actions you are taking to keep them safe and ensuring an enjoyable customer experience.
Read more in the Eagle County Business Communication Guide [PDF]. The document links to several resources to be used in your business, on social media and other communications channels.
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